What’s the difference? Open Air vs. Enclosed Photo Booths

You can’t go wrong with any photo booth at your event, but there are so many options out there, the question is which one is right for you? We are here to help you narrow it down, starting with open air booths vs. enclosed.

Let’s start with enclosed booths. When you think of a traditional photo booth, this is probably what comes to mind. You know, the ones in movies that print out a photo strip of the cute couple being awkward, then smiling, then joking around, then kissing; usually found in the mall or at a carnival. Enclosed booths have been around for years and they have a classic old time feel to them.

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Open Air vs. Enclosed Photo Booths

A main benefit of enclosed booths is their small footprint. The backdrop, the camera and the lights are all nicely packed up in a 4ft x 4ft area ( some a bit bigger). Enclosed booths also allow for privacy. Some guests might be timid to let loose and be silly in front of other people, especially before they have a few drinks in them!

The Standard Booth is not your only enclosed booth option. Page Activation offers the Photo Pod as well. While the Standard booth only fits 2-3 people, close together, the photo pod can fit anywhere from 5-6 people in it at once.

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The Photo Pod is round and almost futuristic looking. Definitely eye catching and intriguing to guests. Everyone will see it and want to know what it is. The Pod footprint is approximately 5ft x 5ft and has an even bigger impact when branded with a custom vinyl wrap.

Moving on to a newer take on photo booths we have the open air concept. Open air booths have no enclosure. Guests stand between the backdrop and the camera stand in an open air environment. Open air booths do have a larger footprint of about 8ft x 8ft but are worth it. Since there is no confined walls, these booths can fit as many as 10 guests in one shot, more if they are willing to squish in.

While enclosed booths are private, and give a mysterious or VIP behind the curtain vibe, 0pen air booths are inclusive and inviting since the fun is on display for everyone to see. When one group of guests is having fun in the booth, it inspires others to come and join.

Another benefit of open air booths are the backdrop possibilities. Because the backdrop isn’t built in, its easy to replace a white background with a glitter drape, green screen, balloons, a feature wall at your venue or an entire custom built set. Many venues in Toronto have awesome interiors, such as rustic brick walls, that make for great photo backdrops.

Q:Should I book an Open Air Booth or Enclosed?

A:The Choice in yours

It’s all personal preference. No matter what booth you choose, the quality will never be compromised. All of our photo booths offer, high end cameras, professional lighting, on screen live view, instant prints, unlimited social sharing, staff, WIFI, props, backdrop, custom graphics and a link to all photos post event.

Sometimes your venue will be the deciding factor. Most venues in Toronto have loading docks and can accommodate both kinds, however, there are a handful where loading in an enclosed booth is not an option.

Don’t let the fun stop there! Page Activations can use all the photos taken during the virtual sessions and create a digital mosaic out of them. A digital mosaic is where individual photos come together to create one large photo mosaic. You can have your guests watch it come together in real-time or send out the completed link post-event.

Check out our website to explore all our photo booth options at www.pageactivations.com. While the first decision is an open air or enclosed booth, the next is 1 photo, 3 photos, videos, GIFs, filers or green screen. The possibilities are endless.

Page Activations has been a part of the Toronto event industry for almost 15 years and we have seen it all. Call or email us to discuss venues, budget, demographic etc. so we can help you pick the photo booth that fits your event best.

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